Department of Marketing, Tourism and International Business
Faculty of Economics


Colina Street 1, Brașov, Romania
Building A, Room AIII1
Phone/Fax: +40 268 419304


Research interests:

  • marketing in European Union
  • education in European Union
  • marketing for tourism

Publications (selection)

  • Epuran, G.; Tescașiu, B.; Tecău, A.-S.; Ivasciuc, I.-S.; Candrea, A.-N. Permaculture and Downshifting-Sources of Sustainable Tourism Development in Rural Areas. Sustainability [e-journal] 202113, 230.
  • Tescașiu, B., Epuran, G., Tecău, A.S., Chițu, I. B., Mekinc, J., Innovative Forms of Economy and Sustainable Urban Development—Sharing Tourism, Sustainability [e-journal] 2018, 10(11), 3919;
  • Epuran, G., Gârdan, I.P., Gârdan, D.A & Tescaşiu, B. (2016) Modernisation of Higher Education in the Context of European Integration ‒ A Comparative Analysis. Amfiteatru Economic [e-journal], 18(42)
  • Epuran, G., Tescașiu, B., & Albu, R. G. Education in the European Union: Is this the Solution for Immigration? A South-Eastern European Perspective. East-West Migration in the European Union, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2017, ISBN (10): 1-4438-9893-7, pag 197-213
  • Tescașiu, B. (2017) Introducere în euromarketing – Concepte fundamentale de marketing specifice Pieței Unice Europene, Editura Universitară, București, 2017, ISBN 978-606-28-0633-0