Associate Professor
Department of Manufacturing Engineering
Faculty of Technological Engineering and Industrial Management
Colina Universității 1, Brașov, Romania
Building V, Room VII4a
Phone/Fax: +40 268 421318
E-mail: udroiu.r@unitbv.ro
Research interests:
- Additive manufacturing / 3D printing
- Composite materials
- Aerospace engineering
Publications (selection):
- Udroiu, R.; Braga, I.C.; Nedelcu, A. (2019). Evaluating the Quality Surface Performance of Additive Manufacturing Systems: Methodology and a Material Jetting Case Study. Materials, 12, 995, FI=2,972; SRI=1,405 (Q2), doi:10.3390/ma12060995 ;
- Udroiu, R.; Braga, I.C. (2020). System Performance and Process Capability in Additive Manufacturing: Quality Control for Polymer Jetting, Polymers, 12, 1292, FI=3,426 , SRI=1,957 (Q1) , doi:10.3390/polym1206129 ;
- Udroiu, R., Braga, I.C, (2017). Polyjet technology applications for rapid tooling, Matec Web Conf. Vol. 112, 2017, doi:10.1051/matecconf/201711203011;
- Bere, P.; Neamtu, C.; Udroiu, R. (2020). Novel Method for the Manufacture of Complex CFRP Parts Using FDM-based Molds. Polymers, 12, 2220, FI=3,426, SRI=1,957 (Q1), doi:10.3390/polym12102220
- Udroiu, R., Nedelcu, A., (2011). Optimization of Additive Manufacturing Processes Focused on 3D Printing”, in cartea “Rapid prototyping technology –principles and functional requirements”, Editura InTech, Croatia, ISBN:978-953-307-970-7, 2011, doi: 10.5772/21433.
- Udroiu, R., (2016). Computer-aided Technologies. Applications in Engineering and Medicine (Editor). Editura IntechOpen Limited, London, U.K. ISBN:978-953-51-2788-8, 2016,doi: 10.5772/62618