Taxis are a faster and more comfortable way to get around town than public transport. Taxis are also relatively cheap. All taxis must have meters and drivers are usually friendly.
Ask the approximate fare in advance and always make sure the driver uses the meter from the start. Check the taxi’s door for the price (lei/km).
Do not take just any taxi you will find at the taxi station! The private drivers can charge very high prizes!
Choose a company taxi (MARTAX, TOD, UBER, BOLT etc.). We have listed some of them below.

TOD Taxi

UBER Brașov -

BOLT Brașov - 

Taxis are usually parked in designated areas, which are in the proximity of bus stations or other busy spots. When travelling outside city limits, you may be asked to pay the double fare per km (it is considered acceptable), or you could agree on a fixed amount in advance.

Never get into a taxi that does not have a sign with the company name on top.

Health Insurance

We strongly recommend that you get health insurance to cover your study period in Romania. For students from EU member states, medical care in Romania is provided based on the European Health Insurance Card. If you are a non-EU national, you should inquire whether there is a bilateral agreement on health care between Romania and your country.

If you find yourself in need of medical assistance, you can go to any authorized medical unit, public or private. Some private health insurance companies will refer you to a specific clinic or hospital that they have a contract with. Ask your insurance company to give you the list of all medical units they work with.

Medical Insurance will be paid in each applicant’s native/sending country. In Romania, emergencies are free of charge.