Conferențiar dr.
Departamentul de Interpretare şi Pedagogie Muzicală
Facultatea de Muzică


Str. Andrei Şaguna nr. 2, Brașov, Romania
Corp Z, sala ZI8
Tel./Fax: +40 268 478 884

Descarcă CV

Publicații (selecție)

  • Analizele muzicale ale interpretului: importanţa descoperirii detaliilolor unor lucrări – 2014, Timişoara, Volumul Congresului internaţional de muzicologie, ediţia a II-a
  • Analysis and Performance. Views on the Performers Musical Awareness – 2015, Brașov, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov -Series VIII: Performing Arts
  • Structure and voice-leading - 2015, Brașov, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov - Series VIII: Performing Arts
  • Improving children’s executive functions by learning to play a musical instrument - 2016, Brașov, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov - Series VIII: Performing Arts
  • Structural analysis and musical thinking: a possible method for enhancing executive functions of student performing artists – 2017, SGEM 2017 Conference Proceedings, Viena