IFTENI Petru-Iulian

Departamentul Disciplinelor Fundamentale, Profilactice și Clinice
Facultatea de Medicină
Str. Nicolae Bălcescu, Nr. 56 Brașov, Romania
Tel./Fax: 0268 412185
E-mail: petru.ifteni@unitbv.ro
Descarcă CV
Interese de cercetare:
- schizofrenia,
- tulburările afective,
- demența,
- psihofarmacologia
- Ifteni P, Teodorescu A, Moga MA, Pascu AM, Miclaus RS. Switching bipolar disorder patients treated with clozapine to another antipsychotic medication: a mirror image study. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2017 Jan 23;13:201-204.
- Ifteni P, Szalontay AS, Teodorescu A. Reducing Restraint With Clozapine in Involuntarily Admitted Patients With Schizophrenia. Am J Ther. 2016 Nov 24.
- Ifteni P, Barabas B, Gavris C, Moga M, Burtea V, Dracea L. Sudden Cardiac Death: Autopsy Findings in 7200 Cases Between 2001 and 2015. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2017 Mar;38(1):49-53.
- Ifteni P, Teodorescu A. Prevention of Catatonia With Olanzapine Long-Acting Injectable. Am J Ther. 2016 Aug 17.
- Ifteni P, Correll CU, Nielsen J, Burtea V, Kane JM, Manu P. Rapid clozapine titration in treatment-refractory bipolar disorder, J Affect Disord. 2014 Sep; 166:168-72.