BORZ Stelian Alexandru

Departamentul de Exploatări forestiere, amenajarea pădurilor și măsurători terestre
Facultatea de Silvicultură și exploatări forestiere
Str. Șirul Beethoven nr. 1, Brașov, România
Corp S, sala S4
Tel.: 0268 418 000
Interese de cercetare:
- operații şi sisteme tehnice forestiere
- utilizarea lemnului pentru producția de energie
- metode şi tehnici moderne de măsurare, optimizare şi predicție
Publicații (selecție):
- Borz SA, Păun M (2020). Integrating offline object tracking, signal processing and artificial intelligence to classify relevant events in sawmilling operations. Forests 11(12): 1333.
- Talagai N, Marcu MV, Zimbalatti G, Proto AR, Borz SA (2020). Productivity in partly mechanized planting operations of willow short rotation coppice. Biomass and Bioenergy 138: 105609.
- Rauch P, Borz SA (2017). Reengineering the Romanian timber supply chain from a process management perspective. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 41(1): 85-94.
- Tiță GC, Marcu MV, Ignea G, Borz SA (2019). Near the forest road: small changes in air temperature and relative humidity in mixed temperate mountainous forests. Transportation Research Part D – Transport and Environment 74: 82-92.
- Borz SA, Talagai N, Cheța M, Chiriloiu D, Montoya AVG, Vizuete DDC, Marcu MV (2019). Physical strain, exposure to noise and postural assessment in motor-manual felling of willow short rotation coppice: results of a preliminary study. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 40(2): 377-388.
- Cheța M, Marcu MV, Borz SA (2015). Workload, exposure to noise and risk of musculoskeletal disorders: a case study of motor-manual tree felling and processing in poplar clear cuts. Forests 9(6): 300.