NIȚĂ Mihai Daniel

Departamentul de Exploatări forestiere, amenajarea pădurilor și măsurători terestre
Facultatea de Silvicultură și Exploatări forestiere
B-dul Eroilor, nr. 25, Brașov, Romania
Corp T, sala TI10
Tel./Fax: +40 268 477681/110
Interese de cercetare:
- Modelare geo-spațială
- Teledetecție
- Amenajarea bazinelor hidrografice
Publicații (selecție):
- Rendenieks, Z., Nita, M. D., Nikodemus, O., & Radeloff, V. C. (2020). Half a century of forest cover change along the Latvian-Russian border captured by object-based image analysis of Corona and Landsat TM/OLI data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 249, 112010.
- Nita, M. D., Munteanu, C., Gutman, G., Abrudan, I. V., & Radeloff, V. C. (2018). Widespread forest cutting in the aftermath of World War II captured by broad-scale historical Corona spy satellite photography. Remote Sensing of Environment, 204, 322–332.
- Stancioiu, P. T., Nita, M. D., Lazar, G.E. (2018). Forestland connectivity in Romania – implications for policy and management. Land Use Policy.
- Dinca, L., Nita, M. D., Hofgaard, A., Alados, C. L., Broll, G., Borz, S. A., … Monteiro, A. T. (2017). Forests dynamics in the montane-alpine boundary: A comparative study using satellite imagery and climate data. Climate Research, 73(1–2), 97–110.
- Munteanu, C., Nita, M. D., Abrudan, I. V., & Radeloff, V. C. (2016). Historical forest management in Romania is imposing strong legacies on contemporary forests and their management. Forest Ecology and Management, 361, 179–193.