POPA Lioara
Departamentul de Interpretare si Pedagogie muzicală
Facultatea de Muzică
Str. Andrei Şaguna 2, Brașov, Romania
Corp Z, Camera ZI7
E-mail: raluca.fratila@unitbv.ro
Interese de cercetare::
- Acompaniamentul in arta baletului, acompaniamentul vocal, instrumental
- Interpretarea pianistică
- Meloterapie
Publicații (selecție)
- “Chopin.Sonate”, Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, ISBN 978-973-42-1122-7, ISMN 979-0-69491-107-2
- Development of the Sonata genre in Frederic Chopin’s creation, Bulletin of theTransilvania University of Braşov Series VIII: Performing Arts • Vol. 13 (62) No. 1 – 2020, https://doi.org/10.31926/but.pa.2020.
- Accompanying and the Orchestral Reduction of 20th Century Music JurnalBDI:JurnalBDI:TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRAŞOV BULLETIN OF THE TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRAŞOV, SERIES VIII ? PERFORMING ARTS VOL. 12 (61) SPECIAL ISSUE – 2019 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference „The Science of Music – Excellence in Performance” 30.X – 01.XI 2019 Bra?ov, ROMÂNIA, link:http://webbut.uhttp://webbut.unitbv.ro/bulletin/Series%20VIII/Series%20VIII.html
- Socio-economic views on music therapy JurnalBDI: BULLETIN OF THE TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV • VOL. 12 (61) No.2 - 2019 SERIES VIII - PERFORMING ARTS, ISSN 2344-200X (Print) ISSN-L 2344-200X (Online), ISSN 2344-2018 (CD-ROM) link:http://webbut.unitbv.ro/Bulletin/Series%20VIII/Contents_VIII_2_2019.html. http://webbut.unitbv.ro/Bulletin/Series%20VIII/Contents_VIII_2_2019.html
- An Innovative Approach of Music Therapy in Kindergarten, International Conference - The Science of Music, Excelence in Performance, Braşov.