PROCEEDINGS of the 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment: OPTIM 2012, Braşov, May 20 - 22, 2010. Ed.: Mihai Cernat, Luminiţa Roxana Cloţea. Braşov : Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov, 2010. 4 part. ISSN 1842-0133

Part. 1: [Power Systemsand Electromagnetics]. 252 p.

Part. 2: [Electrical Machines and Industrial Drives; Power Electronics and Power Converters]. p. 253-664.

Part. 3: [Industrial Automation and Control, Mechatronics; Applied Electronics and System Integration; Electrical Engineering Education and Emerging Technologies]. p. 665-1096.

Part. 4: [Renewable Energy Conversion and Control; Smart Grids – Challenges and Opportunities; Cold Plasma Discharges and Applications; Keynote Addresses]. p.1097-1433.