Doctoral programmes

Faculty of Food and Tourism

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Product Design and Environment

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


Faculty of Product Design and Environment

Faculty of Furniture Design and Wood Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Technological Engineering and Industrial Management

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

Faculty of Product Design and Environment

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty of Furniture Design and Wood Engineering 

Faculty of Food and Tourism

Faculty of Product Design and Environment

Faculty of Technological Engineering and Industrial Management

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Faculty of Product Design and Environment


Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Faculty of Civil Engineering


Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration


Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration

Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration

Faculty of Letters




Faculty of Medicine




Faculty of Physical Education and Mountain Sports

Faculty of Music


Faculty of Sociology and Communication